After running a family screw machine house for many years, Dick had become familiar with carbide cutting tools and was approached by Manchester Tool Company (Now Widia) to represent their products. Seeing an opportunity to make a living for himself and his ever growing family, Dick courageously stepped away from his stable income to become a representative on a flexible income.
With an intimate knowledge of the industry, he and his wife Alice began to cover Wisconsin for various carbide tooling manufacturers. In fact, it was Alice’s foresight that brought us into the distribution side of sales: buying in bulk and selling in pieces.
We started with Manchester, PDQ QuickChange and PDQ Layout Machines, which we still represent in their various forms after 40 years. Within just a few years, business was booming, so Dick’s brother Lou came aboard. Fast forward more than 50 years, and today, Dick’s children – seven of eight were brought up in the cutting tool market and still run our cutting tool distribution company in St. Francis, WI.
We train all of our salespeople in all aspects of industrial machining and pride ourselves on our intimate knowledge of all products that we represent. We continue to be selective in the companies we represent with the understanding that quality always comes before price. We believe that, in the words of Leon M. Cautillo, “Poor quality will be remembered long after low price is forgotten.”